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Mind matters: staying well in a busy world


What would it be like to have control of your mind? How would this impact your life if your mind was less busy? More positive? Less overwhelmed? More focused. What if you could turn off the inner critic and unhelpful self talk? Cultivate a place of peace and calm within.

What if I told you, you can? We all have this ability and yet have lost touch with it. To celebrate mental health awareness week I’ll be sharing some of my top tips and secrets that allow us to master our mind and cultivate and more positive, productive mindset.

Our mind impacts everything we do, it’s why I’m such a fan of teaching this. They impact how we feel and what we do, our performance at work and our relationships at home. How we respond to set backs and how we show up every day.

With 15 years in HR and Leadership Development combined with a decade studying with Buddhist monks and nuns Jess weaves a unique blend of ancient eastern wisdom with western people psychology to give a fresh approach on mindset mastery to help you achieve your potential.

Join Jess for this special webinar available to individuals and their organisations during MHAW. Designed to reenergise you, and sustain you to unleash your potential, stand in your power, and unlock the keys to brilliance.

• Develop self awareness and mental fitness to master your mindset

• Refill your tank and ensure you are a sustainable resource

• Learn how to create space in the brain and reduce information overload

• Understand the difference between busy and productive

• Keep calm amid the chaos and give yourself space to thrive

• Overcome distraction and manage interruptions to remain focused

• Overcome overwhelm and build resilience

• Improve productivity and effectiveness

Lead by Jess Stuart, author of six personal development books, an international keynote speaker and experienced coach. A well known mindset expert, with media coverage and sell out events.

A brush with burnout in her corporate career led Jess across the world to train with Buddhist monks and nuns. A decade later, after coming out, writing six books and running her own successful business she shares what she knows about mind-set, resilience and self-belief to empower people to unlock their potential.

With 15 years in HR and a background in the corporate world working with leaders in personal development across many countries and industries Jess empowers you to be your best without burning out in the process.

Rāhina / Monday

Take Notice | Me Aro Tonu

A fresh week, blank slate and a new beginning. Let's start the week by setting purpose and intention, today is the day to take stock – how have you been feeling recently, are there any events or stresses that you need to sit with and unpack? 

Developing the ability to be fully present and conscious without being overly reactive or overwhelmed is no easy feat, it takes practice to achieve the delicate balance of awareness. When we take notice or practice mindfulness, we’re creating space for ourselves—space to think, space to breathe, space between ourselves and our reactions.  

Use today as a reminder to pay more attention to the present moment, to our thoughts and feelings, and to the world around us. At the end of the week, you can reflect on how you felt at the start of the week, and how putting each of the Five Ways into practice has helped to boost your mental health.

A few ideas to help you take notice:

Rātū / Tuesday

Give | Tukua

Today is all about kindness. When we give selflessly to others, whether through our time, resources, or support, we create a positive ripple effect that extends beyond the people we engage with. Carrying out acts of kindness boosts our happiness, life satisfaction, and overall wellbeing. When we help others, it gives us purpose and a sense of belonging – it’s a win/win!  

Think about how you might be able to brighten the day of someone you care about, or even a complete stranger. A small gesture might mean the world to someone else, and you’ll get a bit of a boost, too!

A few ideas to help you give:

Rāapa / Wednesday

Be Active | Me Kori Tonu 

We're nearly over the midweek hump and are inching closer to the weekend. Today is the perfect opportunity to give yourself a refreshing boost by engaging in some physical activity. Wi tēnei rangi to get the blood flowing through your tinana/body?   

Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones, which can uplift your mood and increase feelings of happiness. It reduces stress and anxiety levels, promotes relaxation and enhances overall mental resilience. It can even sharpen our thinking and boost our creativity. 

Being active doesn’t always mean high-intensity cardio workouts, there are lots of ways you can move your tinana to uplift your mood, reduce stress, and feel a sense of achievement. Choose to do something that is purely for feeling good or having fun, and dedicate it to your wellbeing.

A few ideas hei āwhina/to help you be active:

Rāpare / Thursday

Connect | Me Whakawhanaunga

It’s nearly Friday – why not tap into those weekend vibes early, and carve out some time for some meaningful connection? Use today as a sign to arrange that outing or gathering with friends, participate in social events that you might be finding an excuse to skip, or seek out opportunities for shared experiences that deepen your connections.  

Connect refers to making social connections, or whakawhanaungatanga. A sense of feeling connected, loved or belonging with others is strongly associated with better wellbeing and other health outcomes by providing a sense of meaning, safety, support and purpose.  

A few ideas to help you connect:

Rāmere / Friday

Keep Learning | Me Ako Tonu

It might be the last day of MHAW, but today’s the day to reflect on what you’ve learnt throughout the week and implement those tools into the weekend and weeks beyond. 

Evidence suggests that learning or trying new things creates a sense of achievement, competence and stimulates engagement with the world around us. There are lots of ways that you can Keep Learning today and every day. 

A few ideas to help you keep learning: