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Connection + Solitude = Mental Fitness with Jimi Hunt


Philly Powell at Wellbeing Tick is excited to chat with Jimi Hunt about Community & Connection this Mental Health Awareness Week!

It’s like the Mental Health Foundation read our mind with their theme of
“Community is…what we create together”
because this is a topic both Jimi and Philly are passionate about 🧡

In this special MHAW edition, here’s what we’re going to chat about:

🛟 Navigating big life transitions
🚬 Loneliness is the new smoking
👯 Connection - the hidden mental fitness powerhouse
🤳 Digital vs real life connection
🫂 Connection with self, land and each other
🔇 Embracing solitude
👟 Jimi’s insights from walking Te Araroa
💡 Ideas and inspiration to build community and feel more connected

And of course there’ll be an opportunity at the end of the session to ask Jimi questions.

If you can’t make the live session still register and we’ll send out the recording after plus we’ll load it to our Wellbeing Provocateur Podcast on Spotify or Apple.


Manaaki Monday


Start the week off with an act of kindness. On the first day of MHAW, take some time out of your day to help someone in a small but meaningful way. Even one simple thing, like carrying groceries or holding a door open for a stranger, can create a chain reaction of kindness that uplifts the whole community.

Ideas for how you can help someone today:

Tautoko Tuesday


It’s no secret that the pandemic, rising costs and extreme weather events have made things tough for our local businesses and organisations over the past few years. Today, we encourage you to tautoko/support an independent merchant or community organisation. Why not purchase a small gift for a friend from a local creator, or post about an awesome business or community group on social media? A little tautoko can go a long way in difficult times.

To support a small neighbourhood business or community organisation today, you could:

Whānau Wednesday


We’ve made it to the middle of the week!

Feeling connected to others is strongly associated with better wellbeing, because it gives us a sense of meaning, safety, support and purpose. Give yourself — and your loved ones — a mid-week boost, by reaching out to a friend or whānau member you would like to catch up with.

You could connect with the important people in your life today, by:

Tūhono Thursday


As we move closer to the weekend, find some time in your day to connect with someone in your community that you don’t usually talk to. Introduce yourself to a neighbour, a parent at your child’s school, or someone at your local café . Building relationships with people who live in your community can create a supportive network, right at your doorstep. 

To get to know someone new in your community today, you could:

Whakawhetai Friday


What better way to finish off the week, than by saying thank you to someone in your community? Spread some good vibes by showing your gratitude today  it could be to the courier driver, to a local volunteer, or to a workmate or neighbour…anyone who helps make your community what it is. 

You could express gratitude to those in your community today, by: